Author Archives: Maeve Coulter

The Masters: Screen and Stone at The Bankside Gallery London

I’m thrilled to have one of my rust prints diptychs in The Masters: Screen and Stone exhibition in The Bankside Gallery, London. The print selected is from my Reparation Series, a screenprint on fabric, no ink, instead I use flocked iron filings, rusted and stitched.

The Masters is a series of technique-specific exhibitions established by the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers. This year’s exhibition is dedicated to screenprinting, digital printmaking and lithography, curated by Chris Orr RA RE.

7 – 18 Nov 2018

Blackstack Studio Box Set Prints 2018

We’ve just launched the fundraiser Box Sets for 2018. Editions of 25 prints were donated by each member to help raise both an awareness of printmaking and funds for our studio. This year for the first time we set a theme for the work, Kilkenny our hometown and county.

My offering this year is a bit of a change for me, it’s a screenprint entitled ‘Alice’s Potion’. 19 x 19 cm, gold ink on Arches cover black paper. The infamous Alice Kyteler inspired this print, she was the first recorded person condemned for witchcraft in Ireland in the early 14th century. She supposedly enthralled her many husbands with brews made from peacock eyes and red roosters. The circular design alludes to cauldrons and coins, the stylised birds reflect Irish coin designs, whatever the real story was it was most likely about money.

box set 2018

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