First Place award by the New York Centre for Photographic Art

Reparation Series (Pair)

I’ve just received the good news that I’ve been awarded first place by The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) for my entry to their ‘Same but Different’ open submission exhibition. The gallery invited artists world wide to submit images using any photographic process and to respond to the challenge of presenting a pair of images that are similar but unique.

I submitted a pair of my rust prints made by screenprinting combined with fabric, stitch and flocked iron filings that rust to create the images.

The exhibition can be viewed online by clicking the following link!same-but-different-2016/c13bh

Limerick Printmakers Open Submission Print Exhibition 2015

Some of my work has been selected for Limerick Printmakers annual Open Submission Show. The exhibition is a showcase of contemporary original printmaking selected by Katriona Gillespie of Galway Print Studio. It officially opens on Thursday 12th November at 6pm in 69 O’ Connell street and continues until Monday 30th November.

Limerick Open Sub Show 2015