Blackstack Studio Exhibition – Kilkenny Arts Festival 2015


I’ll be showing some new work alongside fellow Blackstack Studio members at Grennan Mill, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny during the Kilkenny Arts Festival this year Aug 7th – 16th. We will also have work on show in the studio at 42 Parliament St. Kilkenny for the festival.

“….In this exhibition the artists of Blackstack Studio, Kilkenny, embark on an interpretative journey from text to image. The works on show are a visual interpretation of  the poetry of W.B.Yeats and showcase the wide ranging  styles of the studio members.”

Mortal Dress - Etching

Mortal Dress – Etching

BIMPE VIII – Exhibition of Mini Prints


Three of my rust prints were selected for the Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition. BIMPE is held every two years in Vancouver, British Columbia. The exhibition is a showcase for small scale works measuring no more than 15cm × 10cm, and is open to images made using all printmaking techniques from traditional line etching to contemporary digital processes.


Check out this link for the exhibition schedule….


And this link for the online catalogue…..


Outside of Time @ Blackstack Studio – Kilkenny Arts Festival 2014


I’m exhibiting a piece from a new series I’m currently working on. It’s a digital print on tapestry fabric, the words are stitched with cross stitch and cast a shadow of text on the wall behind. The image is from a shrine at the recently discovered mass infant grave at the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, Co. Galway.  Outside of Time is an exhibition of fine art printmaking by the Blackstack Studio members. The work on show examines and recreates the atmosphere of fairytales, folklore and myths and taps into the powerful psychological workings of these age-old stories. The tale of Rumpelstiltskin was the starting point for my piece, the chilling words ‘…then promise me your firstborn’ was the impetus.

Infant Grave, Tuam 2014


Infant Grave, Tuam 2014 (shadow)