The Art of Craft Exhibition – Market Place Theatre, Armagh

I will be showing work in the Market Place Theatre, Armagh from May 2nd to June 21st.

Art Of Craft Exhibition Invitation 2014.


The exhibition takes place in the gallery space in The Market Place Theatre and Arts Centre in the heart of the historic city of Armagh. The Art of Craft Exhibition was open to submissions from Artist|Designer|Makers working in Craft Disciplines recognised by either the Crafts Council of Ireland or the Crafts Council (UK), 22 Artist|Designer|Makers have been selected to exhibit their work.

Venue – Market Place Theatre and Arts Centre, Market Street, Armagh, BT61 7BW


Made 2014 Exhibition – Space CRAFT Belfast

I’m thrilled to be among the 14 makers selected for the Craft  and Design Collective’s annual exhibition currenly on show in Space CRAFT Belfast.



The Craft & Design Collective presents MADE 2014 our Annual Exhibition, at Space CRAFT, our Shop, Gallery and Exhibition Area, up the escalator at The Fountain Centre, College Street, Belfast, from Friday 7 March to Saturday 26 April 2014.

The aim of MADE, the Craft & Design Collective’s Annual Exhibition, is to provide a platform to present some of the finest Craft, Applied Art and Design in the land. To this end the Craft & Design Collective invited Artist|Designer|Makers working in Craft Disciplines recognised by either the Crafts Council (UK) or the Crafts Council of Ireland to submit work for the exhibition.

80 ‘Intentions to Submit Work’ were received, 58 Artist|Designer|Makers submitted work and 14 were selected to exhibit their work. The Selection Panel was made up of Kim Mawhinney, Head of Art, National Museums Northern Ireland and Elise Taylor, Curator of Applied Art, National Museums Northern Ireland.


Venue – Space CRAFT, 9b The Fountain Centre, College Street, Belfast, BT1 6ET

Exhibition Dates – Friday 7 March to Saturday 26 April 2014

Opening Hours – Monday to Saturday, 10.30am to 5.30pm